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by SFL Members & Speakers

Just Words – The US
and THEM Thing
by Val Dumond
Paperback: 206 pages
Every day we work and play with people who are not Us. This handbook offers ways to interact with Them without judgment, derision, or conflict. Used by journalists, students, business executives, writers, court and government workers, and teachers, Just Words aims to eliminate from language the isms that pull people apart.

Stones, Winds and Life
by David Sweet
Paperback: 169 pages
Inspirational tales, poems, plays, and short stories by David Sweet. The cautious soul, the heartless gun, a dragon’s help. Will the angels find redemption for this world of illusion and dimension? The author thoughtfully guides you through his collection of formidable rules and fantasy, beyond the known and over the edge of discovery. But there’s always a light at the end of the journey, if you look for it.

Titanic Astrology —
The Grand Design
of a Famous Shipwreck.
by Eileen Grimes
Paperback: 260 pages
Publisher: Little Shaver Press (March, 2004)
ISBN: 0974702900
The book, Titanic Astrology: The Grand Design of a Famous Shipwreck is a completely new way of looking at the disaster. The “Grand Design” shows an amazing accumulation of paranormal and astrological events as they played out in the history of this event. For years it has been a fascination for so many with Titanic; most don’t really understand why, which includes the author in that number. Grimes’ fascination with this event led her to an extensive research project that helped her understand the bigger picture of the Titanic disaster.

Common Things
Uncommon Ways
by Sunny Kobe Cook
Hardcover: 158 pages
Publisher: Achievement Dynamics, Inc. (May 1, 2002)
ISBN: 0966212037
Sunny Kobe Cook (www.sunnykobecook.com) shares proven techniques to grow any business through your staff. Told in an entertaining style, you will learn practical tips you can put to work in your company today! These ideas, which she has learned throughout her business career, helped build Sleep Country USA into a regional – and North American – success story.
Discover how Sunny was able to build tremendous loyalty among office personnel, delivery, warehouse staff and professional sales people. Voted “Best Place to Work in Washington” repeatedly, Sunny’s methods of enabling ordinary employees to achieve record-breaking results and growth are easy and inexpensive (or free)!

Still Water Runs Deep
by Marianne Gutteridge
Paperback, 342 pgs.
ISBN 0-89716-610-8
Elton-Wolf Publishing
Marianne’s book revives a quieter time in this country, taking place in Iowa in the 1920s. Her main character, Anna, goes to the tiny community of Grabney and begins her teaching career in a small, one-room school with all of 12 students. As she tackles each challenge, seemingly on a daily basis, the farming community surrounding her comes alive and the people develop into the good, the bad, and the innocent as a body is discovered and a mystery is solved.

Our monthly newsletters can be downloaded in PDF Format:
- Seattle Free Lancer, February 2008
- Seattle Free Lancer, January 2008
- Seattle Free Lancer, December 2007
- Seattle Free Lancer, November 2007
- Seattle Free Lancer, October 2007
- Seattle Free Lancer, September 2007
- Seattle Free Lancer, January 2007
- Seattle Free Lancer, December 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, November 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, October 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, September 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, June 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, May 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, April 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, March 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, February 2006
- Seattle Free Lancer, January 2006
Here are a few links to some of our Members’ sites:
These are links to links – to those web pages with calendars of events of interest to writers
On this site you will find a directory of Who’s Who in Northwest poetry, rotating selections of poetry, reviews of poetry, information on special public poetry performances, venues with regularly scheduled poetry readings, poetry books and CDs, and links to selected poetry resources.
Seattle Graphics Artists Guild
The Graphic Artists Guild promotes and protects the economic interests of its members. It is committed to improving conditions for all creators of graphic art and raising standards for the entire industry. The Guild is a national union that embraces creators at all level of skill and expertise.

Plateau Area Writers
The Plateau Area Writers’ Association is dedicated to forming writers’ critique groups, encouraging our writers’ creative efforts and providing community services while huddled in the shadow of Mt. Rainier in the plateau area of Pierce and King counties, Washington.

Pacific Northwest Writers Association
One of the largest writing organizations in the area. In their own words, they are “a vibrant writer’s community dedicated to helping writers in the Northwest make the leap from inspiration, to publication. Our mission is to develop the writing talent from pen to publication through education, accessibility to the publishing industry, and participation in an interactive, vital writer community.” They are revising their web page to include links to other writer-related activities.

Kitsap Regional Library
Sponsors speakers and has an EventKeeper Web Calendar listing events for the Bainbridge Island, Downtown Bremerton, Kingston, Little Boston, Manchester, Port Orchard, Poulsbo, Silverdale, and Sylvan Way libraries, as well as links to other cultural activities in Kitsap County.

Kitsap Literary Scene
This website lists speakers and cultural evens in the Kitsap area. Almost all of them advertised on 3 x 5 cards tacked to community bulletin boards, in-house newsletters, three lines in the back of the paper or by the powerful, but very short range, word of mouth. This site is devoted to gathering them in one place. Check out the reading section for listings of readings, book groups, open mic performances and more.

Seattle Writergrrls is a grassroots effort. It evolved from a small group of women who met in October 1998 to discuss freelance writing opportunities for websites. In January 1999, our first website made its debut. Since then, we have formed a steering committee, re-designed our site, and organized meetings and educational events.